Walk Now for Autism Speak 2012

In April of 2009, Autism Speaks became the national philanthropy for Alpha Xi Delta. Autism Speaks raises awareness for all disorders on the Autism Spectrum. There is no known cause or cure for Autism Spectrum Disorders. 

Julia and Lacy at the booth that offered information for the Walk's attendees
Some Alpha Xi Deltas acted as "cheerleaders" for participants

Sisters at the registration window

Kristen was a great sport and dressed as the penguin. She was a huge hit with all the kids!
As Alpha Xi Deltas, we are privileged to work with such an amazing organization. On October 20, we went to Haymarket Park to volunteer at the Walk Now for Autism Speaks. This event raises awareness within the Lincoln community. We were grateful to have the support of our sisters of the Gamma Delta chapter at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. 

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