Mom's Day at Alpha Xi

On Saturday February 19th, my mom and fifty other moms, will be joining their daughters for a throw back to the 50's. We will start dinner at the house at 6:00 p.m. with catered Olive Garden.  Activities will include a 50's trivia game, and lots of girl talk. We will then walk to The Johnny Carson Theatre for "Happy Days-A New Musical".  Alpha Xi Deltas and their moms will fill 100 of the 200 seats in the theater!! I am looking forward to spending one last special Mom's Day with my mom before I graduate! Love you mom!

Xi Love,
Allison Schultz

1 comment:

Ann Herbig said...

What a fun filled Mom and Daughter's Day. The Happy Day's theme was GREAT! Thanks ladies of Alpha Xi Delta. You are the best! :)