Beth Barmettler, an Alpha Xi Delta sophomore business administration major, was one among five winners to walk away with $1,000 last Tuesday night at 5:30 p.m. in Memorial Stadium at the 3-2-1 Quick Pitch Competition. She competed with fifty- two other students of two-year and four-year colleges, as well as high school students. They all came with their game face on as each competitor pitched their business plan in 3 min. or less to local judges who provided feedback on their plan. Beth wowed the judges with her unique and creative business plan. The business Beth sees herself owning in five years will be a non-profit lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender clinic in Omaha. Where it will provide services and outreach to the community. Beth was inspired to create this type of business by her nine-year-old cousin who is transgender. Currently, she is in the research and development phase and is spending her prize money on conferences and networking groups. She believed this experience to be extremely rewarding saying that “It was really helpful to get feedback from the judges and it gave me more confidence in the clinic, especially knowing now that others have faith in its success and not just me.”-Barmettler
Xi Love,
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