We Live for Red and Light It Up Blue!

This Friday, April 1, Rho Chapter will be participating in Light It Up Blue with Autism Speaks in observation of World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD). 

WAAD is a global effort to raise awareness for a disorder affecting millions of individuals and families around the world. Last month, the CDC announced that autism now affects 1 in every 110 children in this country. More children are diagnosed each year with autism than with AIDS, diabetes, and pediatric cancer combined.

Autism Speaks is the nation's largest autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. The Rho Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta at is proud to support Autism Speaks, Alpha Xi Delta’s national philanthropic partner.

Alpha Xi Delta supports Autism Speaks by hosting local fundraisers, raising awareness throughout the community, and participating in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks. We would like to invite you to join us in supporting Autism Speaks; we invite you to help us Light It Up Blue for autism.

For more information about Light It Up Blue visit http://www.lightitupblue.org/. To learn about Autism Speaks visit http://www.autismspeaks.org/.

Xi Love, 
Alpha Xi Delta Blogger

How Alison Schutz will spend her summer

My name is Alison Schutz, and I am a senior member of Alpha Xi Delta. It's amazing how fast time flies, but I have enjoyed every moment of the past four years with the lovely ladies of Rho Chapter! I am in my fourth year of studying Dietetics and Nutrition, Exercise & Health Science. I intend to become a registered dietitian in the community or in corporate wellness upon graduating with my two degrees and completing a dietetic internship.

For the past two years, I have also been involved with Campus Crusade for Christ. Campus Crusade for Christ is a Christian ministry that is very active at UNL and on 3,500 other campuses in the U.S. and overseas. The Lord has greatly used this ministry to help me grow deep in my faith. Through Campus Crusade for Christ, Summer Projects are offered every year and this summer I have been accepted to serve in Vail, Colorado. There are few other environments like this opportunity!

June 4th through August 8th, I will live, work and enter into an intimate, genuine and open community of believers striving to grow as whole people in a real, vibrant relationship with God and others. This summer will equip me to do ministry in a real life context, such as in the student body at UNL and in my very near future, the workplace. I am excited to spend my summer serving God and living in a spiritual green house community, and I would greatly appreciate your prayers and thoughts as I prepare for Vail Summer Project 2011! :)

Also, If you have any questions, comments or would like to part of my ministry team and support me (financially or in prayer) on Summer Project please contact me at alison.schutz14@huskers.unl.edu. Thank you!

Xi Love, 
Alison Schutz

3-2-1 Pitch!

Beth Barmettler, an Alpha Xi Delta sophomore business administration major, was one among five winners to walk away with $1,000 last Tuesday night at 5:30 p.m. in Memorial Stadium at the 3-2-1 Quick Pitch Competition.   She competed with fifty- two other students of two-year and four-year colleges, as well as high school students.  They all came with their game face on as each competitor pitched their business plan in 3 min. or less to local judges who provided feedback on their plan.  Beth wowed the judges with her unique and creative business plan.  The business Beth sees herself owning in five years will be a non-profit lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender clinic in Omaha.  Where it will provide services and outreach to the community.   Beth was inspired to create this type of business by her nine-year-old cousin who is transgender.  Currently, she is in the research and development phase and is spending her prize money on conferences and networking groups.  She believed this experience to be extremely rewarding saying that “It was really helpful to get feedback from the judges and it gave me more confidence in the clinic, especially knowing now that others have faith in its success and not just me.”-Barmettler

Xi Love,